Monday, April 25, 2005

blood lost.

the first bf i had on the net i met at a rather confused time in life thru a diary i wrote on six yrs ago- we connected in many ways but he was bipolar and borderline (i didnt know i was yet) and caused me consecutive breakdowns.

i waited for him for four yrs and ended a committed relat. for him but he stood me up countless times even though i flew to the westcoast 2x.

i know all about the pain of love and relationships that are long distance- you wouldnt believe how much i know and understand- he would disconnect from me, get distant, lie to me , go on crazy binges (cocaine) and not care that lying to me let alone that he was neglecting me emotionally was killing me, was breaking me down into little nonexistent fucked up shattered pieces.......until i could not hold it back no longer. well. i did . hold it in. for as long as i could. but i began having dreams of cut off heads and blood all over the walls. murder. it was eerie but i felt no emotion, i was detached in those dreams but i would wake up horrified and completely disturbed inside. i did not know i had depression yet or that the big breakdown was just around the corner. only a month away actually. inside i was self imploding- in my dreams.

the anger began to seep into me like poison- a feeling i never ever wanted to feel for someone i loved so much in every way, someone i loved unconditionally pretty much for well over four yrs.

i began to become bitter and resentful and it only got worse as the months passed and i had to scream to be seen. 3 libras became my mantra- you don't see me at all, you don't see me at all.

i started to get angry to the point of HATE for always being forgotten and invisible. my self injury and starvation became rampant. the more he ignored me and forgot about me, the more i felt i didn't exist. and the more i had to take it out on myself- punish myself for him. it was the only thing real and the only thing i had any control over and it became the only way i dealt with pain and hurt. to punish myself everytime someone hurt me. pain became me and consumed me, like acid. it was eating me up. and i had succumb to it.

anger and pain- i learned all about it with him. i've never quite been able to unlearn pain, or to unlearn the fact that i feel i deserve pain and must punish myself all the time. over love. over the men that i love.

its never stopped.

i started ripping out my scalp more and more until it bled, until it hurt and the abrasions, cuts, scabs and scars began piling up one after another. i cannot even get my hair done professionally anymore- the cuts and abrasions are rampant, they are all over my head, neverending, freshly opened time and time again- several times a day. uncontrollable.

so anyway, because i felt non-existant, i stopped eating because i no longer cared and felt worthless, angry, and dead like a ghost. i no longer cared to live.

i had stopped living when i met him and every second had become filled with intense anxiety, oh it was agony. that is when the panic attacks began, acclerated with an intensity that made me want to jump off a fucking cliff just so it would STOP. i couldnt make it fucking stop and I was going crazy. in my heart, in my mind.

and, so....the self medication became necessary not just very nite but several times a day and nite.

it started with one dose of cough medicine but within months i was going thru two bottles, maybe three a week? i don't know, i lost count, i stopped leaving my apt for almost a year and lived in darkness, fear, on the brink of suicide. always on edge. always wishing for death. hoping to never wake up again.



five years ago.

i left my body then. somehow snapped out of it- the way someone snaps out of their spirit, the way one snaps out of their mind- breaking in half, breaking apart, shattering the heart/soul/mind/body-- when raped.

that is what happened to me. and that is what has happened to me several times in the past three yrs. consecutive trauma and breaks, break after break until there is nothing left but an empty broken shell of a girl. a ghost is a ghost is a ghost- of course.

i fragmented, disconnected, broke down and shattered into pieces- pieces that have never been able to be mended or put back together no matter how much i have tried. to heal. from all this pain.

since i have never ever recovered or stopped craving for the end to all insanity (In essence my descent into madness has never truly ended though I have searched for ways, I have tried everything but to no avail, nothing has worked. I have become strung out and burned out from life, from abandonment, from loss, from pain, from despair and unending tears. there seems to be no end in sight and i have disintegrated in a matter of a year and become completely hopeless, like a child unable to move, breathe, take care of herself as an adult should)

since then i have never recovered from the desire to never be or feel again born out of despair, pain, anger and death . death of an innocent heart, a pure soul. death.

i loved him .unconditionally, oh yes, but inside I was pushing down the anger and resentment and bitterness I felt for being taken for granted. so anyway, hed drift and forget about me for a week, two wks, and i wouldnt know what the hell he was doing and would go fucking crazy.

our only contact was thru diary. email. phone (if HE could fit me in to his schedule- everything always did revolve around him and his time.) or chat if i was lucky (neither of us were chat people. but to be near him, to express love and desire- i, we needed that connection as much as i wasnt into that whole 'chat' kind of mentality, but i always thought of him as different than your typical internet relationship because we had met thru each others diary and both of us were so deep and intelligent and multifaceted.

for me, it had always been about personality and intelligence and our same love of poetry, literature, and underground alternative music, NOT looks. i had not even known how he looked for a few yrs. crazy right?

well, i loved with my heart and soul and i was pure and true. i have always had the ability to fall in love for who someone IS above HOW someone looks.

he of course always knew how i looked and was highly attracted to me, thought i was hot sexy and a goddess. who wouldnt like to be viewed as beautiful and put on a pedestal? i wont lie, it made me feel desired and wanted and needed and like someone. but even though I didnt know how he looked, I put him on a pedestal too- i felt he was beautiful, sexy, intelligent, deep, adorable, a genuis, beautiful poet, with extraordinary taste in music and we had the same music/growing up/ and religious backgrounds- both catholic both ethnic. i am mixed but he was hispanic.

all in all, i just felt he was the answer to my soul and in another life i am sure we could have been perfect together. he saw me as his soulmate too and we talked of this often, it had afterall, been what had brought us together thru our words, we connected through words and song/lyrics.

and when i finally did see his picture because he was so scared because you see he was bulemic and overweight- BUT i felt he was as beautiful as ever and my perception never changed because i loved him, i really loved him with everything inside of me.

unfortunately he never intended to make me real, to make us real and my dream of love,soulmates and us- died right inside of me, murdering my heart, murdering my soul.

murder doesn't even cover it- that is a nice way of putting it- oh it was so much more painful than that- it was, i was beyond- beyond help, beyond everything- after he was through with me. and ever since, i have been haunted.

and five yrs and counting, i have never recovered or healed from all of this pain, all of this loss.

oh unrequited love, it was never quite what they said it would be.

cross my hearthope to diei swear to youmy love will never be a lie.

it always does.]

-your ghost in the darkness.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

maybe i'm just pieces of her.

Interests and Loves: music. dancing. goth-retro. vargasgirl. vintage. black and white. modeling. digital pictures. photography. black fishnets. lipglass in lust. desire. sex. self-pleasure. lingerie. erotica. modern lit. abnormal psych. non-fiction/prose poetry. independent/foreign film. language. culture. pure energy. euphoria. sensuality. extremities. passion. orgasm. soulmates. friendship. love + death. mystery. darkness. healing. mysticism. mythology. art. dream analysis. graphology. sky. stars. sun. moon. ocean. air. nouveau art. architecture- foundation of things. les fleurs. writing for cathartic release. writers.

(to be continued)

Monday, April 18, 2005

she forgets herself in people.

I have many addictions. My worst addiction is probably to people and love. I am a codependent at heart. I bury myself into other people so I dont have to face myself, I give of every piece of myself to a person or persons in hopes of getting some return of warmth or love anything to stave off the emptiness and worthlessness I really feel inside. I understand what it is like to avoid oneself and ones emotions. for months Ive become disconnected. I float away in my own world. I sit outside when everyone is asleep and I watch the sky or the moon or the stars and I drift, wishing, hoping for something more than this life. I poor myself into music. I become the songs and words I listen to. they are dark haunting depressing and angry songs all too often that echo my own real feelings. because I cant deal with my own feelings or write them out to face them, I escape into music but find that I sink further and further into depression as everything I take in, whether it be stimulation from a song or lyric to the way a person I love treats me, I take in others feelings and I ingest it, I become it. I fall into dangerous territory where I no longer know who's feelings belong to whom because I have become so intertwined in another's feeling or whatever I throw myself into. Its neverending really but reality is so harsh somedays that I just want to float away and disconnect from everything and everyone. I get suicidal but I somehow survive. I know pain. WE are survivors. We call out for help but we are the souls unheard often and we know the agony that sometimes, all too often, life harsh cold reality can bring. I understand but I also have a deep compassionate heart that is big enough to share warmth with anyone who needs it.


turn to the light
satisfy your hunger
under the starlit night
place your hand in mine
cross my heart
hope to die
our love will never be a lie
try as you may
try as you might
listen to the wind
messages placed softly in tune
the air spells a tranquility
that cannot be erased
the sky spoke to me
in rhythms
unspoken words
woven in silence
it told me if you believed
hard enough
all your dreams could be realized
and i whispered
alone under the stars
'tell me a story that never ends
for i want to share a life and love with you
that stands till the end of time
infinite and never forsaken'
and we knew all along that
love could turn darkness into light
that love could break through barriers and walls and fences
that love could kill off winter and give us the gift of spring
the rebirth of everything
start over and begin again
explosions in the sky
love erodes tidal waves of despair and rainstorms of tears and broken hearts
mend us together
through blue skies we will walk together
under sunshine
the ray of hope
put a smile on your face
and say 'believe in me as i believe in you'
for love is strong if we walk through this land
hand in hand
heart to heart
soul to soul
because i believe and so should you
that love can make everything alright.

may 21, 2004

soul.spill. [summer 2004]

it is storm and rain at its best in the midst of summer time heat, the weight of the night air over here can sometimes make it so hard to breathe. and in the daytime of light, when there is no rain or clouds in sight, the heat bares down on your skin, so deeply that you wonder if maybe you've become a parched dried out desert wilting under a dead-end sky.i sit here quietly, reflectively, i wear a sage colored camisole sundress embedded with ivory flowers delicately stitched with forestgreen leaves, a linen cotton dress that aligns to the curves of my body and gives me some reprieve from the lack of air that comes and has rained consistently for five days now. no stars will shine at nite and luna has become a mystery being choked by a blackened stormy wistful piece of sky. the horizon could go on forever if only we could find the light. there is a special soul that mourns and fights against the dying light, a million miles apart when all you want is to hold that person and make everything alright. sitting here, thinking of you, knowing that if i could fly to you, i could watch over you, protect you, keep you safe from harm, nourish you, give to you, and guide you back to the shining light.this girl has drowned, died in a million ways. one foot forward and somehow always ending up backwards. still somehow she manages to hold on, no matter how brittle that rope has managed to become. some days she can feel it pulling against as if the rope has become a tug of war of the heart. some days she wonders if when that rope will break. she is terrified of that. she prays that if that happens that someone will be there to catch and break her fall because if not she fears that her life will have gone to waste. the end is always ever near, clutching onto a thin line of hope, holding onto anything that will save her from her demise, the descent into madness. she has been there too many times and she has pleaded and cried in tears of rage begging for mercy, to not be put back there every again. how does she make it? why is she still alive? because she believes in hope, deep down, no matter how small it may seem, she believes and inside she knows there is more to life and out there, there is something beautiful and something inside tells her to hold on, and not to give up. What gets her through? someone who cares. being loved. a kind word, a kind heart. a connection. she just wants to be cared about and loved like anyone else. but, even when unloved, she knows what it is to suffer and so when she sees someone, another soul like herself, you, she is compelled to save them with the strength that has carried her through. she has know darkness, pain, torment, suffering, so much like you, but she is here, she is struggling, but she is surviving and she is here to tell you that if she can, you can too. she gives you her strength and whatever hope she has because she knows, she believes that there is more to life than just this and that we just have to find it. she has never been completely happy, but she also knows it wasn't always this way and that there is always hope that we can get back to where we were, maybe not completely happy. but to be redeemed, to find peace, strength and healing through each other, i think that we can. loving souls like us don't deserve to die. we are strong. we would not have made it this far if we were not. we have both been broken in unimaginable ways, but i'm here to tell you that broken or not, we can make it through this and we will. this is not the end. i am a stranger but i am also a deep soul who cannot help but care. and you are loved.

because, love saves-

like nothing else will.