Monday, April 18, 2005


turn to the light
satisfy your hunger
under the starlit night
place your hand in mine
cross my heart
hope to die
our love will never be a lie
try as you may
try as you might
listen to the wind
messages placed softly in tune
the air spells a tranquility
that cannot be erased
the sky spoke to me
in rhythms
unspoken words
woven in silence
it told me if you believed
hard enough
all your dreams could be realized
and i whispered
alone under the stars
'tell me a story that never ends
for i want to share a life and love with you
that stands till the end of time
infinite and never forsaken'
and we knew all along that
love could turn darkness into light
that love could break through barriers and walls and fences
that love could kill off winter and give us the gift of spring
the rebirth of everything
start over and begin again
explosions in the sky
love erodes tidal waves of despair and rainstorms of tears and broken hearts
mend us together
through blue skies we will walk together
under sunshine
the ray of hope
put a smile on your face
and say 'believe in me as i believe in you'
for love is strong if we walk through this land
hand in hand
heart to heart
soul to soul
because i believe and so should you
that love can make everything alright.

may 21, 2004


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